
Critique for Us!  

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Have a favorite TV show or movie out there that you've just always wanted to show your love for? Well, now is your chance! Write for Critique All the Shades of Grey, part of the All the Shades of Grey network, and let your voice be heard on your favorite television series or movie! Here's how it works, and how to apply:

  • Pick your favorite television series. We'll list below the ones that are already taken. But pick your favorite. This one will be yours. (Only one person to a series.)
  • Don't want to do television? Alright, then do movies. We'll hire four to five writers to review movies. Review anything you want to. I don't have any kind of stipulation on this one.
  • You must be over the age of 16. Beyond that, I don’t really care. But you’ve got be over 16. You must be willing to let us use your first name (your first name only), because in a network this big, things can be confusing. Don’t want to use your real name? That’s fine. Come up with a fake one. Like we’ll ever know.
  • You must be willing to contribute something every single time your show has a new episode, barring anything life-threatening or disastrous (like a death in the family or a power-outage).
  • Have a little bit of basic HTML knowledge. You don’t need a ton, not really much at all, but you’re probably going to need some.
  • You’ve got to be a good writer. None of that stupid IM crap. Know how to spell, how to write, etc. We’re looking for more writers who want to give their opinion. And sarcasm is always a plus.
  • Sorry, but no pay. It’s hard enough paying to keep the site up alone, let alone pay you. It’s a downer, I know, but you must be willing to take pride in your writing and the fact that thousands of people will read your articles. There may also be other perks, if this site gets popular enough, so spread the word!
Obviously, there are other rules and things to do after you sign up, but I promise, even though it looks like a lot, it really isn't. There's no length limit or constraint of any kind in how you express your feelings towards a show or movie (just try not to use the extreme curse words). Just post a review after a new episode airs, and you are done until the next week.
Here are the shows that are already taken:
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • Private Practice
  • Gossip Girl
And with movies, it doesn't count. Two people can review the same film, and it doesn't matter.
So, to sign up, send me an e-mail with "Critique Application" in the subject and tell me this:
  • Your first name
  • Your age
  • The show you want to cover (or if you want to do movies)
  • Why you should write for this site
And that's it! So, what are you waiting for?! SIGN UP NOW!


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